It's says what it does on the pack and the product description.
Bit fiddly to use first time but otherwise, good product.
They last around 2 months, not the 3 months advertised, and they're costly to replace so it's a bit hard to like it in one way,... Read More
They’re not especially cheap but compared to the cost of getting fret work done it’s a no brainier.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Thought i would try these out before messing with the truss rod or worse having to shell out for a guitar tech to look at it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
With regards to the service and help that i received it was nothing short of first class
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The guitar itself was kept at a constant 55 humidity level in the store
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its says what it does on the pack and the product description
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However after a few weeks less than a month the single pack in the case started to solidify and tried to mix it up to get it too work
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They last around 2 months not the 3 months advertised and theyre costly to replace so its a bit hard to like it in one way so of the costs replacement sachets it loses a star
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Stopped buzzing that had started to plague playing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Stabilized humidity within a few days and interesting to monitor via the app