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Pros & Cons
I wish it came in larger bottles since anything as soon as you slap the word vegan on it the price goes up. I also love that it's vegan because the thought of drinking bovine collagen was disgusting although i tried.
Purity products are top notch in quality formulas. Make sure to check each ingredient for your own peace of mind. The purity of this product is unparalleled.
Not little pimples or blackheads, but painful mounds of skin issues. Started immediately having stomach cramps upon taking it. Citrus in it will damage your enamel if you choose to chew it.

Been using for a year and love it feel like my overall body and health has improved…guess i’ll know the results when i’m old lmaoo
This product is easy to swallow with no after taste .
I had horrible cystic acne since stopping birth control and having to wear masks all day at work.
Too much harm is done to animals and it's long overdue that humans make changes.
I like the product but a bit pricey
I dislike the size of the tablet, the taste is fine there should be more for the price.
Very quickly i could tell it works.
Only fasting 2 days/week has resulted in similar results, and that's a difficult strategy.
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good and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,008 reviews as of our last analysis date on Feb 2 2025.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I do take good care of both though there is no magic pill
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I do feel these are an effective part of my routine though plus most collagen is bovinederived and nothing should have to suffer for the sake of beauty
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After about a month or so of using this i started noticing my nails didn’t break or peel unless they got really long
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They’re large and kind of sticky so i only take them when someone else is home in case i choke lol
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Hair growth in balding areas crepey skin cracking fingernails etc
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When not taking collagen builder all reverses
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Please do not stop meking this wonderful product
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My hair is much thicker and my nails grow like weeds
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