I recommend that you spend your day with the undead.
With the internet everywhere, people are definitely going to have to take 10 extra steps for every move they make.
Fascinating exploration of the subject, clearly well-researched by the author.
Coming up with the funds and then finding a way to obscure them while waiting to commit another financial crime—insurance fraud... Read More
), elizabeth decides to look into the matter.
Elizabeth greenwood weaves a masterful description of her experiences as she researches a world of characters who have attempte... Read More
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- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 152 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 1 2021.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I think it would have been more informative and more interesting to survey multiple different instances when people have believed people fakes their deaths
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This novel playing dead by elizabeth greenwood is an excellent choice if you are interested in the topic of death fraud
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Greenwood covers everything about the topic as she actually met with a man who professionally helps people disappear men who have done the deed then turned themselves in children of those who successfully faked their death and lastly even those who radically believe in conspiracies of dead celebritys such as micheal jackson faking their deaths
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The beginning of the book really catches you its describing the author herself in the process of dying which in reality was her waiting for her death certificate to be made
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
What i learned was this its not smart to fake your death as you almost always get caught
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its better to simply disappear than to play dead its highly illegal and lastly never fake your death by pretending to drown
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its not very formal and is full of indirect citations
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am not a reader but i was quickly attracted to the subject matter of death fraud after hearing ms
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