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Pros & Cons
A great addition to the family. Keep up to date with console releases and be patient. Runs like a champ. Awesome option to the disc version.
Insane fast ssd in ps5 lives up to its reputation. Everything loads faster and the images and pixels are so detailed it's insane to think that games can look this good now. This ps4 is priced around the same as a the ps4 pro.
Ps5-op at its lamest. Best not to appease the scalpers.

Very happy with the ps5 and happy i was able to get it.
I'm loving this ps5 disc edition so far, i go with the disc since i like to own physical copy of the games and let friends borr... Read More
The downside is if you have or want to play 4k blu rays, u can’t with the digital version since there is no slot.
I would highly recommend you all to purchase this product.
The ps5 is fast and powerful as they claim just wish more games would come out for it so far worth every penny
The ps5 digital edition is perfect for those who prefer digital over having to insert a disc each time they want to load up a game.
All i can say is it’s a ps5 it’s real at least mine was worth the money works fine
Finally can buy a ps5 to play with.
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great, good, fast, perfect and worth. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 217.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 7,062 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 22 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The games that are made for it are very pretty though
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The downside is if you have or want to play 4k blu rays u can’t with the digital version since there is no slot
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Downpart is that you have to buy all digital games
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lets just hope we can get some sweet games like the ps2 had maybe some throw backs and remasters of maybe
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Btw this purchase was for personal use not for resell
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Youll get one eventually do not feed into the resellers like i almost did after going into the 2nd year without one
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I would contact amazon about confirming the box is concealed other than that great job by amazon and their amazing delivery of services
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even tho it was a scam bc of the price it was the best purchase after stealing my daughters christmas money
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