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Pros & Cons
Pny cs900 2tb 3d nand 2. Sata iii internal solid state drive (ssd) easy install (sata), runs great for what i need it for snapshots, and to move files to it when distro hopping. Pny 4tb for my old ps4 pro. Cloned the hard drive to this and installed.
Works as advertised. It’s much faster and smoother. At this point, though, momma is happy so daddy is very happy!
Buy more from them and get scammed! The warranty will be nullified if the device gets damaged during delivery. It seems like a scam because they require you to pack the product according to their complicated instructions.
Routinely is over 50 c with light loads and never below the 40s on idle. Internal cache/chipset responsible for transferring what is in the cache has a very poor implementation. At this point, the ssd is garbage for me, since not even as paper weight ... Read More
I used this ssd to improve the perfomance on a ps4 pro i had some years ago, it worked perfectly and did indeed speed up loadin... Read More
Not only is it great having more space, you can notice the load times are just a bit more improved on games installed on the harddrive.
It’s been more than a year and it works wellit gave new life to and old hp laptop i had sitting in the dust
Bought two 1tb cards (2024) put them in a g-raid enclosure and initializded them apfs in about 20 seconds.
Cheaper than samsung and it works great.
The new pny solid state drives makes the two computers run better than when the computers were brand new, super fast speeds.
Reviews from years ago calling pny garbage seems misguided -- considering pny makes nvidia graphic cards.
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great, fast, new, two and good. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 8335.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 21,649 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 22 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Very fast random access times
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
At first it didn’t pop up in my system but you can just look up a simple youtube tutorial on how to get your laptop to recognize it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I don’t have all of the specs on it but it’s dependable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Cloned my moms laptop sata drive and dropped this in
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Cheap easy way to boost performance
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Reviews from years ago calling pny garbage seems misguided considering pny makes nvidia graphic cards
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Nvidia is kind of a favorite to badmouth
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Bought two 1tb cards 2024 put them in a graid enclosure and initializded them apfs in about 20 seconds
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