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Pros & Cons
These work beautifully. The size is kind of half way in between a full home bread pan and those mini pans. I’m using these to make suet for birds and for that purpose it is the perfect size and works well.
Use it for cooking keto bread. Silicone dishes are the best way to go they're so cool. I bake in a toaster oven, so can only make one loaf at a time, but these are fantastic.
These are very flimsy. When it is proofing in pan it bloats the sides out. Also in dishwasher gets a white haze on them.
These are a good size and quality.
I highly recommend these, and the low price is a bonus.
Perfect size, exactly what was looking for a really good price.
I probably wouldn't use them for sandwhich bread loaves as they are somewhat tiny for that.
I would prefer a more ridgid pan for my purposes.
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easy, great, clean, size and made. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 600 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 18 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These are kind of flimsy for my use they work fine once you get them in the oven but not so much in preparing on the counter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I would prefer a more ridgid pan for my purposes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its not going to bow out so much that youre cake or bread will spill but it does bow out some so it should have been made with some thicker silicon wallsfor that reason i would avoid removing a cake or loaf of bread from the oven until it has formed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I thought how can these not melt
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I just knew my luck it would melt
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For bread loaves they’re small and the walls seem like they would buckle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I decided to try silicon after my last recipe came out of the oven pretty but broke coming out of the pan
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The first time i used them i was very disappointed in how unsupportive they were that my loaves had squished on the sides
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