This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on Aug 2, 2022.
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Pros & Cons
Perfume. There is no perfume or any odor at all. I love the light feel and scent.
I have very oily skin and am prone to breakouts. I also have sjogren's which is the culprit for my dry skin.
The pa rose-hip oil helps scabs heal fast. Troublesome dry areas on my face are no longer problematic. My pores look smaller and my dark spots have diminished.
Even the bottle and dropper is exceptionally high quality. This product is so simple and beautifully bottled that it lives right on my bathroom counter.
I rarely review because it’s time consuming to do an honest review. Between a demanding job, young dog and aging parents, something has to really be worthy of my time. When i can it's worth the splurge so to speak.
After a few days of using it (i use it before my moisturizer), my skin starts getting super flaky and irritated. Probably, these reviews are knockoff.
Very happy with the product and the results i am seeing.
I began using this product in november 2018 and still have a little less than half a bottle, so i'm happy with the price to lon... Read More
No one asked me to or gave me an incentive to write this, i just genuinely love the product and, from what i can tell, the comp... Read More
The packaging is simple and elegant too - well worth the price!
I like the packaging and i value the fact that poppy austin gives back to the women of morocco.
Beyond the wonderful product, is the packaging.
You can tell that a lot of care went into the packaging of the product.
This is my second bottle of rosehip oil.
I have looked on amazon for awhile trying to decide between all of the brands of rosehip seed oil.
I have used a variety of rosehip oils and this one, by far, is above the rest.
But i've heard such good things about rosehip oil, so i continued the search.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, oily, little, rose and long. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 258 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 2 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I think that it is important to not leave the impression that this is a miracle worker or that a user will see instantaneous results
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Only time will tell if it will replace tretoin cream
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Use very small amountproduct soothes chapped windburn skin
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I did some digging and the company seemed reputable so i clicked the link from their website to purchase on amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I chose this produc because there is no additives in it it is simply rose seed oil
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It does have an extremely faint scent and that scent does not stick around
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive had to pull over to the side of the road a couple times while driving because this happened before i realized what was causing it
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