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Pros & Cons
The endoscope works on a usb type b cable (phone charger) or usb. Flip up usb to the type b microusb is a nice touch from going on your device to laptop. Works great with my samsung galaxy 3. Works with my tracfone samsung galaxy on5. Amp; installed w... Read More
Not a bad piece of gear to have for inspecting in-closed or hard to reach locations. For the price this still isn't bad to have in your toolbox. I am an auto technician, this tool is a a necessity.
I like the adjustable illumination and the stiff cord that helps aim the camera. It comes with a couple adapters, a magnet and a mirror, while the way they attach is kinda flimsy. The ability to adjust the brightness of the leds is a great feature.
The scope works great in high and low resolution mode for both the camera and video recorder modes.
Obviously it takes some finagling depending on your circumstances. Its length is definitely a plus in accessing hard-to-reach places. I only wish the ca,era body was threaded to take a screw on set of mirrors.
Photo quality is beyond what i expected,the light dims for a perfect view.
Great picture quality for what i use it for.
Sometimes it takes couple times to make it sync with the phone.
I can't complain about the product, considering the price.
It worked very well right out of the box on my note 5 phone running nougat 7.
However, it did not work with my andriod tablet or pc, this is why i gave it a 4 star.
Paired well with my andriod phone after downloading app.
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great, quality, good, ok and few. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 17.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 186 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 10 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The app takes a little effort to get working because you have to go into your phone and allow it access to some items but after that this worked fine
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This inspection camera works great and has a very clear picture inside of an engine
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just bought this camera recently
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A couple of notes that keep it at a 4 star rating thus farthe focal range is not macro at all
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Second issue i see that could be a problem is that the camera head seems to get very hot when using
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If the camera head didnt seem to get so hot when in use
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Plugged in the usb cord and away it went
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