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Pros & Cons
Pqq helps reduce arthritis pain in myhands and fingers. I am not sure if i felt physically energized, but the cognitive boost was mentally energizing to me. He swears it helps with painful leg cramps.
Thank you for creating such a wonderful product. One of my best purchases. Flechas' pqq video on youtube. This one is a winner!
Loved the product and will purchase again. It's also more economical than most other brands, which is a plus. When you make a consistently great product, your customers gain trust in you! Would definitely recommend and will remain a regular purchaser.... Read More
The capsule is small and easy to *. Easy to * on an empty stomach is sometimes forgotten. Tiny pill, easy to take.
The science so far backs up the use of pqq for mitochondrial biogenesis. Ortho molecular medicine is real medicine, because it addresses and treats the real cause of illness.
I'm experiencing severe gastrointestinal distress on a level equal to having food poisoning.
There is much improvement in overall quality of being, beginning in the mental sphere.
Has a noticable positive effect on my energy levels and mental clarity/performance.
I’d been following protocol form it starts with an egg for six months.
Both of which i purchased from doublewood, because of the purity of the product and lack of additives.
Whether said rapid color change is indicative of actual spoilage or progressive loss of potency is not something i can know for... Read More
It’s a little pricey but i love it
They seem to be a fair price for what you get.
On time delivery and a great price.
I love this product the shipping was fast and easy to open.
The science so far backs up the use of pqq for mitochondrial biogenesis.
I combined this brand of pqq with nac.
I've used five other pqq brands, and honestly not noticed a lot.
It's also more economical than most other brands, which is a plus.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, easy, noticed, great and double. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is high and informative.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 53.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an C grade.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 75.9% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,637 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 24 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you like company i think its better ordering thru there sub and save cause of reward points
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am sensitive to some products and ingredients but do not have a problem with double wood products
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I decided to switch to this product a few months ago after good experiences with dws equally lowpriced l100 and phosphatidylserine products because the jarrow brand product combining pqq and ubiquinol had soared in price
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The problem i have with this product however is that the color of the capsules progress rapidly from dark purplish to offwhite
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My first bottles clear capsules remained purple in appearance until consumed 3 weeks later the second bottle had a few 10 or so offwhite capsules mixed in with purples and within a week most capsules had turned offwhite my current bottle started out alldarkpurple and now has gone almost entirely offwhite within about a week despite recent weather being cooler and less humid than when i consumed first two bottles
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The bottle label says nothing about discolorationinconsistency being normal
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I noticed today for the first time that the label does say 34do not expose to above room temperature34 none of my other supplement bottles say that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Whether said rapid color change is indicative of actual spoilage or progressive loss of potency is not something i can know for sure but the fact that the label says what it does suggests to me that the product is not stable enough and might be why its so inexpensive
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