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Pros & Cons
The soap leaves your skin feeling nice as if you used lotion, not to mention smelling good.
Moisturizing soap bar. Shea butter enriched, quad milled for long lasting rich smooth lather. The bar is hard but lathers well and lasts a long time.
To me, it was too lightly fragranced. When wet this soap smells like fish! It has no fragrance to it whatsoever. If you have ever eaten asparagus, you know what it smelks like.
For a bar of soap is too much to be stuck with garbage! Returning soap. Really disappointed. Although i'm sure it's worth the price, considering the work involved, but for me it's too expensive.
The sandalwood scent is very good and i was surprised at the quality.
Long lasting and so pretty with the name etched in the bar.
I do think the price is a bit much ,but it will not deter me from purchasing more as i am addicted.
A little pricy but when i look at my dr recommendations, it is well worth the price.
I like different scented soaps and change bars out as the season's change.
Plenty of over-wrap and lots of extra space in the box to absorb punishment.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
long, good, great, last and nice. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 28,402 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 5 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This soap is just as fancy as youd think
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I bought a bunch because i wanted to give them as gifts but they dont come in individual boxes just plastic wrap like they were taken from a bulk box
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lathers nicely until the end of the bar
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Pile of green if you leave it wet at the counter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just enough citrus scent with a hint of flower
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is the only soap i have been able to find that doesnt affect my nasal allergies or skin allergies
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The box was labeled 34fragile34
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Looked like it was used for batting practice
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