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Pros & Cons
The pad that's supposed to protect the tv now acts as a pad for the phone. Makes an excellent, adjustable phone stand for my desk or my nightstand.
The front of the clip needs to be extended and it needs a better locking system to attach it to a tv. The arms are just too short to grip anything thin.
This clip does the job, but the packaging looks completely different and is definitely not licensed by sony like the item description on the order page claims. There really should be some compatibility list w/ this thing. It is fake and not from pdp.
Makes the game fun, clip secures the camera well
Makes an excellent, adjustable phone stand for my desk or my nightstand.
It works okay, but is necessary component for ps3 or ps4.
Hold the eye right in place if you don't want to set it on the bottom of the tv.
Anything more than $5 then i wouldn't consider this worth it in this day and age.
10 is what i paid for it back in 2011.
My only complain is that seems too muchs money for a simple clip
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 62.9% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 570 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 20 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Anything more than 5 then i wouldnt consider this worth it in this day and age
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Doesnt do much other than hold the playstation eye but then again that is what it is suppose to do
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It is just for my camera on ps3
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My only complain is that seems too muchs money for a simple clip
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Hold the eye right in place if you dont want to set it on the bottom of the tv
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It works okay but is necessary component for ps3 or ps4
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The little pad thats supposed to protect the tv now acts as a pad for the phone
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