Pros & Cons
My * is noticeably plumper and bigger. I think the misconception about this product and why it doesn't work for some but works for others is that you need to have some breast fat to begin with to get results.
I personally like this product, i've been using it for a month now and have noticed my boobs becoming more full.
Saw pretty distinct difference after a month !
The misconception is people think by using this product you're going to get big boobs over a month or two time period but reali... Read More
This product's purpose is to increase adipocyte's which are pretty much fat cells in your breast so if you are completely flat ... Read More
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My butt is noticeably plumper and bigger
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I just ordered two more to get me threw the next couple of months
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I think the misconception about this product and why it doesnt work for some but works for others is that you need to have some breast fat to begin with to get results
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This products purpose is to increase adipocytes which are pretty much fat cells in your breast so if you are completely flat chested of course its going to be very difficult to see results right away or even over a long period of time
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The misconception is people think by using this product youre going to get big boobs over a month or two time period but realistically youre not
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You will however just like the product ensures get plumpness and fuller boobs over a period of time as the adipocytes start to increase adding more fat to your boobs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The bad reviews on here are from people with unrealistic goals you cant go from an a cup to a d cup in a month with a 50 dollar cream sorry
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I too was skeptical about this product ive read enhancing creams dont work