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Pros & Cons
They are the size of a pumpkin seed but slim enough to where i have no issues swallowing them. Easier to * than typical supplement tablets!
Probiotic blend with zinc and co-q10 are a great combo for auto-immune and arthritis. I'm pleased it is available online. Dependable excellent product where benefits are seen immediately.
Feel ripped off. Disappointing considering the price and the claim about quality. Ended up throwing them out.
These are very easy to swallow and do not breakdown in my mouth too quickly (giving a taste of the vitamin).
Easy to swallow and i feel great taking them.
I've never been able to swallow pills very well.
They do not give me a belly ache if i take them on an empty stomach, which is great!
A good value too and easy to swallow.
These are not just for over 50 imo.
The product is a bit pricey but worth it as long as it doesn't increase any time soon.
Com ratings and analysis, this brand seems to be high quality, and the price seems at least reasonable among the highest rated brands.
That said, the quality of these vitamins is much higher than others most commonly found in grocery stores.
If you need tiny multis look at deva brand.
However, i came across these mini vitamins and love the quality and higher dosage of vitamins offered compared to regular multi-vitamins.
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easy, good, size, great and daily. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
- Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 19.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an D grade.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 45.6% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,499 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 23 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ok they are not tiny but the are thin and easier to swallow than other horse pills
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Plenty of b vitamins but can cause difficulty sleeping if taken in the evening
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A full dose is 3 little pills the small pills idea good for people who have a hard time swallowing pills
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Normal people dont need this
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive never been able to swallow pills very well
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I prefer smaller pills and i can take more if i need or want
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These are not the cheapest vitamins but the quality and potency seems very good
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Looking for very small tabs and these are not much smaller than regular ones
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