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Pros & Cons
It's soft and stretchy. The onesie looks ridiculous on him, but he's a ridiculous dog, so it’s fitting for his personality lol.
Boston terrier, phoebe is long and slender and weighs approximately 16 lbs. The ‘small’ fit him better lengthwise than the xs. She’s a petite girl, weighing in at 56 pounds and the xl fit her perfectly.
The surgical suit is exactly what i wanted for my 7 month golden when she got spayed. It's a soft material and fits her perfectly at her incision site. There is a bit of extra fabric in the belly, but it allows for good movement and keeps the fabric f... Read More
My 45lb bernedoodle fit the xxl size in length, but it literally hung off her. It's decent enough but know that you're basically buying a disposable item. Like all gsps, she has a very deep chest, so the suit does not fit well.
Very soft material with an extra padding for the stitches area.
Super convenient and easy to get on and off.
The cones they put around their neck after surgery are terrible.
I would not expect it to work well if the dog is left alone, it is just a tee-shirt after all and can be chewed threw if left unattended.
Don't know why all the recovery suits on amazon are so overpriced.
I could have ordered one size up but it was well worth price.
But, this one is a great price and quality.
Arrived a day earlier and was so excited!
This was good enough to cover my dogs spay incision but wasn't as good of a fit as the other brands that come up either side of... Read More
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- This product had a total of 9,612 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 13 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
We chose the xl size for our 72 pound 1 year old labrador when he was getting neutered
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I bought a blow up ring collar also
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just in case she tried excessively to get to her stitches
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She is small chihuahua mix 13 lbs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It was great for covering up the wounds however i forgot that he could not go to the bathroom without it being undone
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He ended up peeing all over everything
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My puppy had three surgeries in four days
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Our very high energy pup got neutered and was trying to itch so bad that he eventually figured out he could use his cone to itch
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