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Despite some minor quibbles with pacing and world-building, the story's charm and wit shine through, making it a captivating in... Read More
Girls who don’t need to be saved but who are still flawed: not invincible or perfect, simply real and determined.
The author has packed so much information into the book that it’s easy to get a wee bit overwhelmed.
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- This product had a total of 10 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 27 2024.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Leah heroman is a princess performer at portalis park which definitely would have been sued by disney if it were a real place
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There is a lot packed into this book and some of it seems rushed despite being the first of a series
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For instance there was a part where the kingdom went to war all of a sudden which directly affected leahs role as princess fiona but it wasnt entirely clear what her specific involvement was in the war or who the main antagonist was
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It wasnt until the end of the book that the true villain was revealed and there wasnt much buildup to it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
While i appreciate that this book was a clean romance the love triangle seemed to be a minor subplot that took a backseat to all the other crazy things going on in leahs life
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She develops feelings for her guard tolliver but tries to push them away because of her relationship with gerry
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The books title rescuing the prince refers to gerry but he is barely in the book at all
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I felt that i knew very little about him despite supposedly being in a serious relationship with leah before the story began
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