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Pros & Cons
Healing solutions oils are safe and effective. I read a post on the web from a woman in pennsylvania who said she hiked with her dog every day and was pulling at least 5 or 6 ticks off of him after every walk. Simple & effective without harmful ch... Read More
Love the fragrance. I have a lava essential oil bracelet that i put on it and it's beautiful. It is like smelling the life process of the actual plant and that is also smelling freshly harvested.
The bottle was empty. The cap wasn't fully sealed on. Will not repurchase.
Fragrance is subjective, but that is my reaction for what it is worth. It smells like old lady perfume that went bad. There is hardly any rose or geranium scent.
I love rose geranium in general and have been pleased with this product.
It smells good and was a great price.
But when i open the bottle my rat terrier runs to another room.
You can smell the perfume and the greenery.
With this particular healing solutions essential oil, rose geranium, after adding a total of only 3 drops of it to a 400ml diff... Read More
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- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 553 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 7 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The rose geranium oil has a strong scent so i only need to use one drop at a time and it smells just like roses
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive been told it works on animals but have not done that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Please dont use it on your pets
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But they should find that you smell good
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The ticks were so bad i was dreaming about them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The smell isnt unpleasantit just smells like roses to me
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Every time we take her out we find a tick on her
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Great geranium for killing ticks
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