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Pros & Cons
Start with just one capsule and monitor for dieoff/detox reactions. After a few weeks, a lot of my other symptoms have decreased, even though this symptom is new. This is after i stopped antibiotics too!
This is a strong potion but it worked well for me. Very powerful ingredients in these capsules. Capsules are easy to *.
Thank you samsara for making superb formulations and please don’t stop, because you are saving lives! It’s so worth it! These are an incredible value. This stuff is a blessing.
This product is 20% alcohol and should be in bolder print on label. Severe,painful lyme. Did nothing because they have used only the root of cat's claw label has to specify inner bark.
Good combo of essential herbs used in lyme treatment in a single capsule, super easy to use!
This product has given me the strongest herx reaction i have ever had in my life.
Crazy pressure in head, muscle twitching all over, a neck so stiff i can barely move it, concentration issues and just a genera... Read More
I take 2 daily for maintenance and the full amount when in a "flare".
A very cost effective way to get all the needed herbals to support healing from these vector born illnesses.
Best bang for your buck buhner herb supplement i can find.
I still have half a bottle of capsules i can't use and can't afford to go back to the powder at this time.
I definitely feel better when i take them wish they were not so expensive
Very unhappy that they do not ship to the uk any more.
Samsara customer service had suggested i move onto tick immune support (along with the biofilm supplement).
After a week into the tis,i noticed that my throat and sinus troubles had been reduced greatly.
I compare the effectiveness of this product to doxycycline and think it holds its own.
I have lyme's and use 4 caps a day of this all in one, this is better than taking more added pills, i do wish the cost was a li... Read More
I bought this because it was significantly more cost-effective than the samsara powder i was using.
Plus the ingredients are comparable to that of cowden and other great protocols.
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- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 6.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 443 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 4 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The pills are rough tasting definitely need a food or juice chaser
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I started the 2 pills twice a day definitely had the herxing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I then added 2 pills 3 times a day
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I got my period 2 weeks early and am still bleeding for over a week
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I planned to increase the dose this week
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wish i knew which herb was the issue
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Samsara customer service had suggested i move onto tick immune support along with the biofilm supplement
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I began slowly as recommended with two pills twice a day along with biofilm twice a day
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