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Pros & Cons
Scansnap scanner is very fast and does a good job of grabbing one page at a time. It scans double-sided, in color, and scans even the tiniest receipts and pieces of odd-shaped paper. When scanning in duplex mode, both sides are scanned simultaneously ... Read More
Fujitsu scansnap s510m is easy to install and works like a champ with my mac air. The mac scansnap manager software interface is a little different from the windows version, but i'm getting used to it.
This isn't perfect, but pretty darn good. Expensive but worth every penny. Price seems high, but my satisfaction has been high, so its worth it.
Scansnap 510m scanner ships with the full version of adobe acrobat. The unit comes with oem adobe professional 8. The bundled acrobat pro is a great value as well, retailing for over $400.
This scanner is cheaper and stunningly fast.
The scanner is an unreliable sheet feeder. It has a fragile tensioner mechanism which keeps it from double feeding.
Excellent suite of software, obviously high quality hardware.
Simple and easy to learn software makes organizing scanned files a breeze.
Painfully slow, frequent jams and software that often flakes out.
- color mode (auto-detect, color, black and white)- which sides you scan (duplex, single-sided -- if you choose duplex, it auto... Read More
The bundled acrobat pro is a great value as well, retailing for over $400.
It's earned a spot on my desk, and the relatively high price is justified by the utility of the device and included software.
0 and no free or inexpensive upgrade path for the user.
I must say it was hard to spend $495 on a scanner when you can buy a cheap one for $79.
Techgalaxy delivered the unit as promised, in great condition, and earlier than expected even using standard shipping.
Incredibly fast and does a beautiful job.
Shipping/delivery:i appreciated the amazon marketplace sellers who could sell me this unit re-furbished without the bundled sof... Read More
Used with emac and now imac on a daily basis and haven't sent a fax in 3 years.
Caution to those expecting a full blown version of abbyy, the version that's packaged with the s510m appears to only work on do... Read More
I've also owned one of the little packable receipt scanners, but they only scan one side at a time and were slow and made poor ... Read More
I purchased the fujitsu scanner and it is a world of difference.
This type of scanner is more efficient than the flatbed scanners that you find in those all-in-one multifunction printers.
I replaced a $6,000 canon page scanner with this and have fewer page jams than i did with the canon.
They seriously should set these things up at apple stores - their sales (i mean apple's, as well as fujitsu's) would fly off the shelves.
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fast, great, easy, good and little. - Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 10.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an F grade.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 45.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 133 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 25 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is the mac version difference is in the software bundle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A friend insisted that i upgrade to a scansnap s510
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I didnt read ad carefully enough to note that scanner offered for sale was for a mac and not a windows pc
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I find that recently i have become long on scanners
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Initially the scanner came with wrong adapter wire
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Prior to my buying this scanner i made some queries with the seller who was very helpful in providing information and assured me that in case i was not happy with the product i could return the same for a full refund
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I think it paid for itself in terms of time saved within the first month of use
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I never had much success with the cardiris but we have been so thrilled with its other functions that this is a minor regret
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