Purchased to replace scatter spreader and i'm pleased with the results.
My husband was so pleased with the equipment saves a lot of time
If you are supplied with the information by your supplier (not all do) setting the correct feed / flow rate can be difficult be... Read More
I am concerned about the cable control, i hope it does not break.
Simple to assemble, use and twice as robust as all the other competitors.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
easy, good, spread, plastic and down. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,232 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 10 2021.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Replaced as the previous unit suffered from a hopper spring failure and the axle rusted
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Best feature the drop rate and shut off valve
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This one however you can start and stop using the handheld onoff handle and then simply walk up and down your lawn
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you are supplied with the information by your supplier not all do setting the correct feed flow rate can be difficult because the adjuster is rather crude
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The maintenance is crucial if you are to avoid seized wheels and broken springs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
All advice here is provided by experience with my first spreader which gave ten years good service before i was slack enough to not maintain the spreader and the wheels seized solidly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The control feed shut off mechanism is basically a cable with a pulley
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There is virtually no control over the spread rate