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Pros & Cons
To reiterate, though. Neither are perfect, both are very nice. Its rather addicting. They have so much detail and reveal all the nuances from the source.
They sit comfortably on my head. I'm able to go multiple hours comfortably wearing these headphones if the room is cool. I wish the top headband pad was larger from front to back (left to right -width is fine) the dust protective sheet inside each ear... Read More
Sound stage is wonderful and spacious.
Hi, dang are these things sweet sounding! I listen to lots of electronica such as trance, synthwave, coolstep etc. Listening to hd or ultra hd amazon music on my iphone through a dragonfly cobalt was absolutely incredible.
B&w is much better than the bowers and wilkins p7. It looks like there should be some sort of internal ring that would have kept the part of the connector with the red wire attached to the headset. Returned the product to amazon. It is my opinion ... Read More
This headphone is well built, sounds amazing and has such a great extension throughout its frequencies.
Build quality is very good with no creaking of any kind.
They sound great for wireless, but last only a matter of weeks or months for so many people, despite repeated returns and replacements.
These are holy grail kind of headphones that require a good headphone amplifier and source, but damn!
Got a great price and the soundstage is amazing with my headphone amp.
If you are wondering whether or not they are worth the money, forget about it, they are definitely worth every penny.
So, huge diminishing returns for the price.
I bought these thinking that surely for the price i would not be able to justify this purchase.
I’ve never heard sound delivered so clear.
I would, personally, like a smaller box for traveling because the box these headphones comes with is massive, and heavy (though... Read More
I am all about the best of the best, i just feel the 600 series is the all around better deal.
I pair these with schiit’s latest lyr and bifrost.
There may be "different" and there are certainly more expensive, but to say "better" requires personal/subjective interpretatio... Read More
Also, the "like new", used ones from sennheiser are very much like new ones and i can't find any sign of previous use.
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bass, quality, good, new and best. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 8.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 473 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 12 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Nothing like these that i have ever listened to
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Most of them have bee senheissers
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I don’t mean upgrades to a 1500 amp and 1000 cables
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im no audiophile but i can tell the difference between sound coming from a kann alpha and an iphone
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I can also tell the difference between sound coming from these and rather expensive gaming headsets
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They sound more spacy they sound like the person singing is right in front of you
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They sound like youre there but get a good dac
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Theres no need to write a review about these theres plenty of those online and on yt
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