Pros & Cons
I love the cap snaps on securely. They are fantastic quality. My only complaint is that they don't seem to last as long as the old highlighters.
As someone with ocd when it comes to crooked highlighting, these are a blessing! It is important to note i have highlighted about 7 different code books varying from 100 pages each to 1,000 pages.
The colors are pleasant, and the ink adds a nice overlay of color to previously written words adding an eye-catching effect that does not detract from the legibility of the already written words. I love that i can see what i'm highlighting as i go, th... Read More
The highlighters are small and short so carrying them in my backpack is easy enough. Lightweight and easy to hold and carry. These are easier for my husband to use on his work because he’s missing two fingers.
The color is dull and the highlighters drag on the page. Apparently this just comes with whatever combo of colors the person packing it is in the mood for. The blues, corals, and purples are not included in this 8 pack.
These hi-liters are well made and last a long time.
The colors are great, you can read through them, high quality, great performance, ink is great.
Tried the smaller highlighter pens and very dissatisfied.
They don't bleed through the pages and they dry quickly.
I like the funky colors and this brand is always solid - great price
They're a bit pricey but worth it.
In my humble opinion, i think it's a bit overrated and not worth the price.
I got this highlighter thinking it would be a lot better than most highlighters because you can see a little bit as you're highlighting.
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great, through, good, easy and quality. - Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 6586.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 61.1% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 7,425 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 1 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im in it where im constantly updating software information and verbiage on paper
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These highlighters were excellent at first and lasted a good while however i thought surely they would last longer than a couple months
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It is important to note i have highlighted about 7 different code books varying from 100 pages each to 1000 pages and while not every page had a ton of highlighted sections some pages were about full of highlighted sections see image of just the electrical code book
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tops stick so sometimes they are hard to remove
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Make sure your hands are dry or u wont get the tops off
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not recommended for folks that cant remove tops off things easy
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You never loose a top for it fits nicely on the end you arent using
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I should’ve only gotten all yellow tho