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Pros & Cons
They aren't too tight on my crooked toes and don't wrinkle the fake leather material too bad. They're fun and colorful, and they fit well.
Great assortment of colors and materials. They are suede and easily brush clean. Very cute. Pink is a nice shade.
The toe section of the shoes were not glued down or something. The shoes feel like cardboard! In the photo they appear to be a dark grey when in reality they are a very light grey.
They are true to size and very comfortable.
The shoes have imperfections due to shipping.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
size, color, comfortable, fit and cute. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- This product had a total of 10,487 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 27 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Like the shoe just the wrong color purple
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was looking little more red in the shoe
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The shoe is very stiff and not the most comfortable to break in
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They arent too tight on my crooked toes and dont wrinkle the fake leather material too bad
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wonder if an 8 would be tight in the toes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My foot is a pretty standard medium width but these were gaping at my arch and i would walk out of the heels so had to return
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Other than that they are cute
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