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Pros & Cons
Skechers is my go-to brand for footwear. I walk 20,000+ steps a day in these and they will last me about six months. This shoe is my favorite for daily use. They are great for the tsa line.
Skechers says they will inspect them to see if they are faulty but want me to pay almost $20 to ship them to them. This is unacceptable and i want a brand new replacement pair instead of returning for a refund.
The soles at the tip of the toes start coming apart quickly and turning me into tripping man! Out of 16 pairs 8 pair of them have done this. They're 1/2 size too large. Very little padding. Without warning you too could take a nose dive into the pavem... Read More
The black mesh isn’t black, it’s more of a dark greyish blue. The website states that the black one shipped is gray.
Excellent fit for me, comfortable and slips on and off.
Easy to install on feet and always just the right amount to tension!
I know they generally dont last more than a year and the insouls and sides wear through.
I had a previous pair of slip-ons that were super light but more like socks with no support.
Also, saved over $20 compared to local stores.
This is the price you pay for having super lightweight shoes i guess.
Absolutely love them and about 15$ less than when i bought them 1 year 9 months ago!
I’ve tried some other brands but these are one of the most comfortable.
Nice and comfy, but sizing is way off compared to nike, runs at least 1 size bigger
Skechers once again proves why they're my go-to brand for footwear.
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comfortable, black, fit, great and size. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 27.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 2,488 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 14 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He usually will tell me the shoes are comfortable when he first puts them on and then hell tell me a few days later that something is wrong with the shoes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So i would definitely say the shoes are very durable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just slips on no riding up and down the heal
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Skechers once again proves why theyre my goto brand for footwear
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Nice and comfy but sizing is way off compared to nike runs at least 1 size bigger
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Surprisingly easy to slip on yet you can run with them without falling off
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Easy to put on and take off but not exactly stepin like a slipper
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You need to use a hand to assist putting it on
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