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Pros & Cons
Jon ronson's new book is a look at the ways in which shame is treated. Loved the larger font and scattered photos of the subjects. Rronson has a humorous nature and it translates into his writing.
The book follows people who have been shamed, with some deserving some comeuppance. It's the first nonfiction book i’ve read that comes across as a novel. This book is an eye opener and shows me that i should think before i shame.
Twitter author says we need to be more mindful of how we interact with others. She says we never know who's watching, how it'll be interpreted and how it could have lasting ramifications for our lives.
Highly recommend this. An entertaining read. If you're involved in cancel culture or you see it happening around you then it is a must read.
The book is mostly twitter-centric stories told in an uninteresting voice, spun for consumption by a millenial/gen-z crowd that is quick on the trigger.
It appears that jonah lehrer was lazy. Much of this science is difficult to reproduce, at best, or impossible to reproduce. At this point the book starts to lose coherence.
As i was reading it i frequently found myself fascinated with the stories and facts presented.
I really enjoyed the book and the interviews with the people whose lives had been altered but something they said online.
Sums up what’s wrong with the shame culture of our time.
A plea for empathy and grace in a judgmental world.
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social, public, great, shamed and online. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 2,557 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 2 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was offended by a few graphic pages and the things people get shamed for aren’t nice but it was well written
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Shamed on the other hand focuses on events that show up in the news cycle every few weeks or so someone getting demolished online
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wasnt fully convinced that ronson was shamed by this incident but at least the seed was there to make him look foolish online
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Then he spent time recounting the story of jonah lehrer a popscience writer whose work was found to contain invented quotes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lehrers career was irreparably harmed as a result due to the way the story spread across the web
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Then theres the story of justine sacco whose unfortunate tweet about aids in africa eightysixed her career
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When shamed spent a chaper or so focusing on these individuals it was strongest but i think ronson is a victim of his own curiosity
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Admittedly this is why i turn to ronson books for their humor but also for the imaginative leaps the author takes
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