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Pros & Cons
Folic acid is an essential nutrient for a healthy body. Folic acid is also a good source of vitamin d. Folate is an important nutrient for women prior to conception. Folate is a keynutrient for women who are pregnant.
These tablets are pleasantly tasteless and easy to * or crunch & * with liquid. No digestive issues. Only drawback is thay there is poder from the pills. Goes direct into the blood, not destroyed by stomach acids.
Rest assured, it is still the same product. Using the above blurb, dividing 800mcg/0.
Do not be decieved by this product. If you are looking for folate this is not it. It's has a high gi so if your diabetic or following the keto diet, be warned.
Neither of us break down folic acid like most people do/should be able to do so a quality product is keys to not only get the m... Read More
These pills were definitely made to dissolve under the tongue not swallow.
Folic acid is synthetic and many of us have extensive mthfr genetics so our bodies do not convert this into the form we need, w... Read More
Pots is basically nervous system damage that doctors have no idea how to treat because they don't use natural treatment to pois... Read More
You also get great value for the amount of folate and folic acid you get.
Was a very good deal and so nice to not have to shop for them at a store.
Good price compared to the prices in my country
Nice to have the mentholated form of the vitamin at a good price
Came in time and in perfect condition.
Arrived the next day and it's a good price.
My doctor recommended this type and brand and i feel such a difference.
Since mthfr genetics is linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, mid-line birth defects including cleft lip and cleft palett... Read More
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good, great and acid. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 62.2% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,906 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 14 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Price and shipped in a glass bottle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
That it was in a glass bottle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have only taken these for less than a month so it is difficult for me to evaluate them properly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Especially if you have the mthfr gene and dont metabolize folic acid
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Much cheaper than the exact same product that is sold in the local supplement store
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Standard issue folate my doctor wanted me to take
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Folic acid is synthetic and many of us have extensive mthfr genetics so our bodies do not convert this into the form we need which is 5mthf or real folate
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I always purchase solgar products when they are available
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