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Pros & Cons
They are easy to * with no noticeable aftertaste. Easy to *. Very easy on your stomach.
My d level was critically low, after taking d3 for over a year, my d level is normal. Requested by my doctor to take calcium. I am very pleased with how quickly my vitamin d levels were able to get to the healthy range.
This product is not worth the cost & you get less pills at a higher cost when you can purchase 2 bottles of 400 capsules each at a lower cost. I usually have good success with solgar products so maybe this was just an off seller or off batch. Afte... Read More
Excellent quality formula, in an easy to swallow before cap!
Easy to swallow capsules, helping with tiredness, will be interested to check my lab levels to measure effectiveness.
I was looking for something that was kosher that was vegan and that it only had pure ingredients of the highest quality of the ... Read More
One brand i took for almost one year and a repeat blood work showed an insignificant increase.
Affordable and a proven product by the test results i have received on latest blood work!
Great buy for quanity and dosage good brand excellent price.
You get for the price there’s no difference it’s the same on what you get in stores
I feel so confident in this product, i ordered a bottle for my son and shipped it to him.
Product was was out of packing box.
The product was perfect but the packaging envelope had been shredded in the middle.
We tried several other brands of vitamin d, but our blood levels never increased.
Hard to know what you are getting with all the vitamin brands but trust solgar more than the others.
I've long trusted solgar as a brand and these don't disappoint.
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easy, level, quality, good and great. - Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 1050.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 72.7% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 4,338 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 18 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I started taking these supplements after i had blood work done and my vitamin d level was at 16
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The normal range for the average person is 40 to 60
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After three months of taking this supplement i had blood work done again and my number was 40
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dislike the fact that there’s no legible id or distinctive color on the capsule
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was looking for a vegetarian product so chose these
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have never written a review before but this product does work and i hope my review can help someone make a choice of what supplements to buy
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have had low vitamin d for about 3 years and i have been trying to raise it by taking other brand vitamin d
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One brand i took for almost one year and a repeat blood work showed an insignificant increase
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