Pros & Cons
The alarm 1 and the alarm 2 are really handy for me as i'm a hybrid worker. If i accidentally miss the first alarm this clock never ever fails to get me out of bed. The snooze feature is very handy.
When i tried to setup the time to wake up, it's did not work and it's not easy to use. Now it only vibrates and so is not nearly as effective. Cant even get a refund since it was bought as a present in december.

The only thing that's slightly annoying about it is that it going back to an old manual alarm clock so setting it to a differen... Read More
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- This product had a total of 27,948 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 15 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had one of these alarm clocks for 10 years until the vibrating pad that goes under pillow gave up the ghost
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This latest version feels very flimsy plus when changing the alarm time you cant do the hours and minutes separately anymore which is really annoying if you accidently go past the time you want and go through another 24 hours to get there again
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I literally can’t set the time on it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If it works it’s a matter of luck
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