For the price and the quality you can never go wrong.
This soundbar works great for the price i paid for it.
Remote integration is a plus and sound quality is good.
The sound quality is great and is a huge improvement over the sound from the television.
If you are looking for a good quality with decent price, strongly recommended!
Was amazing until my rabbit chewed through the powercord lol would love it if the company could let me know where i can purchea... Read More
I recommend it to anyone who’s looking for a soundbar to replace their old one or just something to add better sound to their tv.
This is one of the best soundbars on the market in terms of real value for money.
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great, good, quality, easy and bass. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
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- This product had a total of 6,535 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 23 2021.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Sound quality and volume is prefect you will never watch tv anymore without bomaker soundbar
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ordered on a wednesday shipped less than 12 hours later and probably because it was shipped free didnt arrive until the projected date four days later
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This was puchased in hopes of assisting with my spouses hearing loss
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But after 3 months i notice the sound starts to crack
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It was because of this bar that i found out my “over featured” tv does not have bluetooth
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Multiple connection options and the speaker is larger than it appears in pictures
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just under a year later the remote broke