Pros & Cons
These are my first earbuds. The push button controls are a tad hard to press at the start but they seem to be getting easier to push as i use them more, so that's good as well.
Usability - 5/5. The batter life is also fantastic. The case can quickly recharge 4-5 times as well.
The loudness volume level is well enough. The sound quality is great for both music and podcasts/audiobooks.
Fit is good and they dont fall out (fit is always subjective) these have stayed in my ears running around the kitchen, casually or during workouts. They stay secure in your ear even with running and biking.
Bass sounds a little muffled but otherwise very clear and crisp. I don't require heart-pounding bass but for my needs even for me, the lower register sound is a little thin.
The product received looks slightly different than the pics advertised. The images advertised are of the sound peat true original earphones which had a very comfortable design.
Very satisfied with the product for the price.
They connect quickly and easilysound quality is greatbatteries last a long time
The sound is pretty ok, bit muddy in the midrange, bass is a little over hyped, separation and stereo field a bit undefined, bu... Read More
There's really not much to say with these - for the price, they're punching above their weight.
Not great but given the price point, definitely ok.
It has an ipx7 rating and i can attest that they are not lying.
This is my third pair of soundpeats earbuds and my second truefree2 pair.
I was going to buy airpods until my friend recommended these!
They come with 3 sizes, but the bigger seems a little small compared to other from the same brand.
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good, great, quality, fit and better. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not great but given the price point definitely ok
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Only found them when i was putting my wet clothes into the dryer
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This compromises the seal in my ear but is not a flaw i just miss a tighter sealing maybe i got a bad batch
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I recently had an issue with one of my truefree2 sets
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I saw that they are under warranty for one year so i contacted the manufacturer
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They walked me through some potential fixes but when it was apparent they were ineffective they sent me a brand new set within a few days and told me to keep the old pair for parts
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The sound is pretty ok bit muddy in the midrange bass is a little over hyped separation and stereo field a bit undefined but thats more to do with the nature of bluetooth
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They had taken a beating and would no longer charge my fault the amount of abuse these headphones suffered i am surprised they lasted as long as they did