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Pros & Cons
I can't keep up with my kids playing this game but it's hugely fun for everyone! My granddaughter is 8 and she and her dad play catch with it. This thing is a wonder activity for active teenage boys.
The net is much sturdier than the basic one and you get far less pockets (when it takes a weird bounce and usually ends the rally) this set is the tournament standard net as well.
Everything seems meet expectation and on demo video except the packaging box. Looked like fun and gift receiver was excited when opened. Written countless prescriptions.
It comes with a very sturdy tote to carry it around in. The backpack is great and has the ball measuring tool attached. The legs fold up a lot easier for more convenient storage.
Spike ball pro is a lot sturdier and bouncier giving u more time to get to the ball. The ball also improves the basic aspects of your game that you are still developing. Comes with 2 balls, and it's own nylon bag.
Super fun game, definitely the best version of the game, easy to set up and is very well made
It is very sturdy and a great way to get exercise.
Very easy to setup, learn and play but hard to master.
My son was thrilled, loves the pro set better than the other one we had that broke due to frequent use.
So much worth the extra money it is just amazing
Worth the extra money over the standard set.
Really probably not worth the extra cost.
$100 dollar for essentially a ring net and 2 balls.
He loves it and i was very impressed with the promptness of the delivery.
They were super nice and immediately sent me a new one.
We packed up spikeball, crossnet and smash net, and let me tell ya, these games are a game changer!
Looked like fun and gift receiver was excited when opened.
Comes with 2 balls, and it's own nylon bag.
We've not had another set so we can't really compare it to others, but in general, i have no complaints.
The ball design has better texture than other sets which i prefer.
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set, net, great, pro and sturdy. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 68.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 5,370 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 3 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Gotta share about our first summer beach day with the fam
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My kids were so tired that night they crashed early and i actually got to sleep in for the first time in years
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And let’s be real we all know how mundane it can be to play the same game all day
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
We are avid spike ball players and have bought over 10 nets for our family we have also broke 3 of the nets by landing on them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I haven’t played as ping ping z havky sack was my jam and cant do sny excersice until surgerys are over but i do moon firwarc to this and attempting pickle ball
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I sometimes play in an environment where there are a lot of little kids
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Almost everyone i know that got a regular net ended up upgrading to this one after about a year of playing
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