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Tuned it up (original strings are garbage, but that is expected, elixirs are on the way), dropped the bridge a hair which is ea... Read More
To get maximum tone from this baby i would recommend first of all to change the strings to quality ones (at least those wounded... Read More
The neck is narrow enough that i can teach my grandkids to play right now, something i wasn't able to do with the guitar.
I was lucky and my mandolin arrived with the bridge properly set up and the strings properly loosened for transit.
At this price, i did not expect a gibson.
I have several musical instruments and always try to buy the lower end in cost ones, 100-200 range.
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nice, great, good, first and beautiful. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
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- This product had a total of 274 reviews as of our last analysis date on Apr 15 2022.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Downside cant get it to tune even bought the little auto tuner but it isnt working either
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I really didnt want to have to find someone to tune it professionally and have to pay that money
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I will probably be out to have it restrung and tuned
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It isnt going to compare to 600 mandolins but it costs 14 of that so you would have to be stupid to think it would
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Only flaw was one of the tuners is a bit off as if the shaft is slightly bent
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If i was gigging i would go the 600 route
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