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Pros & Cons
The little details evoke a feeling of quality. The markings on the blades appear laser etched and easily readable.
The blade holder is strong and well polished, the locking mechanism is metal and large enough to get a grip on, the markings on... Read More
The little details evoke a feeling of quality.
A couple of light strokes with a fine diamond file cleared that up and brought this measurement down to 0.
The world is now full of junky, rust-prone and bendy crap where a good feeler gauge set used to be a lifetime tool.
Cost is a little higher, but you get what you pay for.
Worth the extra $$$ in my opinion.
Craftsman equivalent does not offer as many leave thicknesses, the blue point has the sharp edge mentioned above (this applies ... Read More
- How are reviewers describing this item?
quality, set, marked, sharp and made. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 73.1% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 77 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 14 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The world is now full of junky rustprone and bendy crap where a good feeler gauge set used to be a lifetime tool
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unfortunately not marked with both metric and inch markings
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This starrett gage is way more expensive than the majority of equivalent functionality gages offered on amazon so…
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Location a is at the end of the gage centered in its width but backed off about 3 mm from the end
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Location b is at the end of the gage where any burr present would bias a gap measurement when inserted straight on
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Location c is at the left “corner” of the blade end
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This corner is the transition from the rounded side of the blade to the sharp edge end of the blade
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