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I crumble up duck livers for my dog. It keeps him occupied as he works to get the treats to dispense.

I have a 29 pound american cocker spaniel who is 3 1/2 years old. I have 2 chihuahua that are under 5lbs. They're a lifesaver and money saver for us!

These freeze dried treats have zero negative responses by my guys. I look forward to not making them feel badly after eating one.


Dog likes it mixed into canned food, but so weird. Of them are unusable for training because they’re powdery crumbs. There aren’t enough actual intact cubes to make using these worthwhile.

Not awesome. Very dishonest. No coincidence. The bang for the buck is not there.

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Plus the price for the amount you get can’t be beat.

Also, i am amused by the bold made in america labeling that dwarfs everything else on the package.


Definitely a must-have and worth the price.


I have 2 chihuahua that are under 5lbs.


  • How are reviewers describing this item?
    liver, full, half, dried and little.
  • Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 18047.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
  • Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
  • Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 72.9% of the reviews are reliable.
  • This product had a total of 2,921 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 11 2022.

Helpful InsightsBETA

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    My cat has tons of food allergies and cannot have chicken turkey beef or fish

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    So she’s on a rabbit and duck diet

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    There’s not a rabbit treat out there that she likes

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I work for a pet store and for 3oz it would be over 20

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Their old and have very few teeth

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    The large size last around 3 months

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    They all 4 line up when i open the container

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Before i could open the mailing envelope my dog ripped it apart and ate it all only leaving the plastic container and paper envelope it came in

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Please note: The content is generated by an AI language model based on reviews. We are constantly improving the accuracy, however, its outputs may contain errors or offensive content from certain reviews. Please report any errors or offensive content to us. Also, please note that we will not collect your questions unless you click the thumbs up/down button to provide feedback. The answers displayed will be stored by us so if another Fakespotter asks a similar question we can provide them an answer faster. Your feedback will only help us make Fakespot Chat better! By using Fakespot Chat, you agree to Fakespot's terms of use and privacy notice.

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