This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on Nov 22, 2022.
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Pros & Cons
Was skeptical on the product. I wish id thought to do this sooner. Very impressed and highly recommend this ointment.
His ears are now completely cleared up. His armpits. His flanks. His toes. His neck. My baby boy is happy and not in discomfort.
Tea tree oil is toxic for pets. Too thick to spread. Smells really medicinal and my dog hated the smell. The label online says anti fungal but that’s not what the real label says.
This product cleared it up within 3 days.
Usually over the summer my dog gets some allergies and she does some damage by biting her paws, this product is good, it helps ... Read More
Well see if it works but i can tell why some of the reviews aren’t too happy.
I used the product and it cleared it up 🆙 in 2 -3 days.
This product shipped fast and worked even quicker.
Being a rn i'm used to the effects of sulfadine.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
rash, great, wound, good and red. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 43.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 79.3% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 15,304 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 22 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have two black labs and i bought it when my 2 year old lab got what looked like a blister between his toes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ok ok my dogs to a dog park and resulted in some kind of rash
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It has a very strong menthol smell which kept my dog from licking it off
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Had a strange rash pop up an after failing with everything else
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Stopped completely using in day 4
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Goes on thick and neither of my dogs lick it off
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My dog had inflammation on his leg from a small cut he couldn’t stop licking
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The bump was pretty big and protruded from his leg
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