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Pros & Cons
Heat output is just comfortable warmth even if it is on very high mode. The cover is very soft, easily washable and the heat was even throughout the entire pad. The removable/washable cover is such a nice feature.
It only stays at the hot point for a second or 2 & then starts cooling off. The controller is really the only good thing with 3 heat settings. It smells when not on and it smells a lot worse when you turn it on.
Do not purchase. This is by far the worst product i have ever purchased from amazon. It's very cheaply made and the worst heating pad i've ever seen. Complete junk. Not safe at all.
If i’m laying on flat, ok or if it is laying on me ok, but sitting in a chair leaning against it, getting up and sitting back down it just balls up and sticks to itself. Cover is cheesy and rough. It is so thin and flimsy that it bunches up after one ... Read More
Makes sense why the item is non-refundable. Unfortunately it is not eligible for return. Should have returned it months ago.
So far this has been a good product.
A well made heating pad so far, time will tell how long it will last, very pleased.
I wish it were a little nicer even if the price went up but it will do as i want a unit that stays on till i turn it off.
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hot, great, good, high and right. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 26720.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 9,889 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 20 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Had a spill and washed it right out of the cover
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I reached out to the seller who worked with me in coming to a resolution
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Was purchased for someone else
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It just produces a black brown mark nothing like that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There isnt any auto poweroff feature so i have to try to remember to turn it off before i leave home
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Like that the temp control is a sliderbutton format
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It would never stay on my back it would always rolled when i would get off chair
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If it had auto off i would’ve had to send it back
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