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Pros & Cons
Use it with sweet sweat waist trimmer and see how much sweat is released. Whether you get it in stick form or in bucket form, it works great. Helps target fatty areas.
The product really starts the sweating during workouts quicker and that resulte in burning alot more calories quicker. I do a lot of cardio and this helps with sweating. Great pairing with sauna suit.
If you sit for a while and let those “sweat droplets” dry, they don’t. That’s because you just melted the coconut oil with your body heat and it formed bubbles and visible drips. This product is extremely messy and leaves a film behind after you showe... Read More
I love this product bc makes me warm up & sweat faster in my daily workout routine improving my performance
It doesn’t burn your skin, great smell and always gets me drenched, especially after a run.
Not nearly as effective and putting on your body and then a shirt or pants on you will ruin those clothes unless you don’t care about them.
Again, this is good and bad, it’s like putting vaseline on your body.
I will say that the price has gone up like everything else but i know it works so it’s worth it.
Amazon had a better price offer this time around.
This container was delivered fast & safe.
I tried other products just because of the price of sweet sweat but i came back.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, good, sweet and fat. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 3,167 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 30 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When im done and take off the wrap a ton of water falls onto the floor
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They have different scents but i prefer the coconut scent
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It can become messy after a work out but after a couple weeks of exercise you will see the fat melt off
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I recommend buying a sweat strap to wrap around your stomach for better result
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When i use this product i combine it with a light work out
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I strongly believe this product played a huge role as it does make me sweat
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You will notice a change within 23 uses
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I don’t know if it helps with cellulites as i use a different product for that
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