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Pros & Cons
Quick squirt, lots of flavor, makes him a happy man :) quick note - they aren't really easy to squeeze for a drop or 2, more like a stream for a second or two. Helps me drink more water and a lot less soda.
Strawberry kiwi tastes like the raspberry in a raspberry lipton fountain iced tea with an end note of lemon sweettart. Mixed berry is mostly raspberry with a bit of blueberry syrup. No aftertaste at all.
Sweetleaf is awesome! Will buy again. These things are delicious! Good price. Will definately buy this product again.
Sweetleaf seems to be harder to find in stores and is a bit pricey. It has a lot of packaging. Plastic bottle, plastic wrap seal, plastic packaging for the multipack.
The taste on this is atrocious. This tastes disgusting like a horrible medication. It has a very bad aftertaste.
This easy to use, good on flavor to add additional electrolytes is awesome!
I love these flavorings for my water they are made with liquid stevia and they have no aftertaste and the flavorings are all na... Read More
Only good one out of all 6 of these was the strawberry kiwi.
Pros- o calories, sugars, or carbs; no artificial sweeteners or colors, based on organic, non-gmo stevia.
Definitely not worth paying over 30$ for these.
Cons- pricey if you want to buy just one (most flavors).
Sweetleaf seems to be harder to find in stores and is a bit pricey, so it took me a while to try it out.
Add one packet of aspartame, and you have a delicious drink.
Plastic bottle, plastic wrap seal, plastic packaging for the multipack.
These drops were very mild compared to mio or drink packets.
I don't love plain water, but need to hydrate more, so i've been looking for a better-tasting stevia or alternative to monkfrui... Read More
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- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 16,533 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 21 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was a little upset that it wasnt as sweet as i thought it would be
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have these to my sisterinlaw as there was an aftertaste for me
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dont love plain water but need to hydrate more so ive been looking for a bettertasting stevia or alternative to monkfruit with erythritol
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Pros o calories sugars or carbs no artificial sweeteners or colors based on organic nongmo stevia
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tip start with less and build up the flavor if you want it sweeterstronger as it can get overpowering if you put too much
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