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Pros & Cons
Pool is huge, fit me and 2 kids. It fits a little tykes slide for even more fun. Airing it up of course takes a compressor, but often air would escape as fast as compressor would blow. Perfect for me to stretch out in and float (i'm about 5'7) without... Read More
The intex mandarin is a 7. Sturdy and heavy duty. Maintenance is much easier with the mandarin than with a larger, longer pool.
Pool mostly filled at the two hour mark with garden hose. When refilled observed a 6mm circular hole in the vinyl near the drain valve. Have had it 4 weeks and now is leaking at the seams.
The pool deflates immediately. It's like it just stopped getting taut and was still smushy. Never had one in the past sag out on the long sides like this one.
Bought this for my daughter she loves it it's pretty big and i was actually made pretty good very durable even though i got one... Read More
I liked it was easy to set up and it can be shared with 2-3 people
Quality was 4 out of 5 bc of the drain plug eventually ripped out in a circle.
Last year at 31 days, ours burst!
Didn't use it that much, but for the bargain price i bought it for, longevity and durability weren't a concern.
I buy one of these every year because the price is so low.
I like it so much i bought an extra one and paid more for it to be delivered faster.
Pool came bigger that what i expected nevertheless i'm happy with this purchase.
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good, size, great, first and easy. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 61.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 22,052 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 31 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I buy one of these every year because the price is so low
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My one friend is 66 and sits fully legs stretched and never touches
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I give it to neighborhood kids after im done as mid summer i no longer use it and am on the lake boating
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There were about 12 children present
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The pool is very big and tall and i imagine that it would be great filled with water
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The sides are compromised of three chambers that need to be inflated separately
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The bathtub in my house just wasnt cutting it for me
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just be aware that it doesnt come with a pump so youll need a way to blow it up
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