This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on May 6, 2021.
Great little quality of life improvement for the darker nights - the kind of thing that makes smart plugs worth it!
These plugs appear well made and do not interfere with the socket switch (unlike some earlier plugs), so should last a long time.
Surprisingly, the simple connection worked with the teckin app.
I didn't have much luck with the ez mode and after a bit of messing around, i found the az mode in the app.
Timer functions have to be accessed through the teckin app so not intergrated with alexa but basic turn on/ off is fine.
Asides from the plug itself packaging is clean and simple.
4ghz wifi network, in my case this meant switching off the 5ghz wifi signal on my router.
i have several teckin products, light bulbs and light strips and they work well.
I always trust teckin products, they are easy to set up and work without fail!
- in your teckin app click the 3 lines in the top right - add device - plug - check to ensure wifi is connected correctly.
Once you've added the all plugs you need to the teckin app you open the google home app and add the teckin service.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
set, easy, great, new and colour. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- This product had a total of 112 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 6 2021.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Easy to setup they quickly join the app and overall straightforward to use and manage your plugged in devices which is great
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Installation is dead easy and the integration into my smartlife app and consequently into my google home setup was simple
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After downloading the teckinsmart life app onto your phone installation is straightforward
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Timer functions have to be accessed through the teckin app so not intergrated with alexa but basic turn on off is fine
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The plastic is now a greyish colour
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The plugs come with an app that you have to install and theres a leaflet in the box to help with the setup
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I didnt have much luck with the ez mode and after a bit of messing around i found the az mode in the app
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I guess the installation instructions could be updated to include that