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Effectiveness Against Fungus
Customers have mixed but generally positive opinions about the effectiveness of this anti-fungal cream against fungus, with many reporting fast relief from itching and successful treatment for various types of fungal infections such as athletes foot. However, a small group of customers mentioned that the product had no effect on their specific issue.
Clear Nail Growth
Customers report varying experiences with Terbinafine Hydrochloride AntiFungal Cream in terms of clear nail growth, with some reporting significant improvement within a few applications while others took several months to see results. Some users have noted that the product worked for them even when used on nails despite instructions stating otherwise. Overall, customers express relief and gratitude for the product's effectiveness in treating fungal infections and improving skin conditions between toes and feet. However, some users have reported negative experiences with application and the length of time it took to see results.

Works great and you get a much larger tube!
My husband likes this brand because it works fast and there is no bad smell or feel to it.
It took about 6 months to completely rid the nail of fungus.
This last month with just some discoloration on outside edge i started rubbing a few drops of apple cider vinegar 2x a week and... Read More
A great product for a great price.
It works fantastic on my athletes foot, and it is less expensive than lamisil.
A good lamisil generic at a good price.
This tube works the same and for less money than when i buy with my insurance
I wasted a lot of money on other medications before finding this, and this is the only one that has made a difference.
American acedmy of family practice says use terbinafine as it kills the broadest spectrum of fungi and yeast (shhh but it’s a b... Read More
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 67.2% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 7,888 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 14 2025.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You can’t see immediately results
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you apply as directed though it really works
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It started showing results in about 4 days
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Completely cleared up two quarter sized spots in 2 weeks
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its a generic of tinactin apparently
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just one word of advice though
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you dont always wear your glasses dont keep this next to your toothpaste
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I got paronychia twice in the same big toe and that toenail later developed fungus that stuck around for years and gradually got worse causing the nail to thicken and yellow and over half of the nail was no longer attached
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