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Pros & Cons
The solution does a great job of removing impurities that your initial cleanse didn't pick up.
Thayer’s prides itself in being a company that uses natural remedies. Primary active ingredients are witch hazel, aloe vera, tea tree oil and 2% salicylic acid. The toner is pleasantly scented with bright notes of lemongrass.
Thayers balances skin sensitivity issues with strong medication to provide continuous use without skin-damaging effects. Leaves my face very smooth and calm.
This product is a game changer for me! This toner is good quality. This stuff is magical. It is a godsend for me.
Lemon and lemongrass are not interchangeable. Borax is toxic when large amounts are absorbed through the skin.

This toner helps control my adult acne and leaves my face very smooth and calm.
I love this product finish the whole bottle
I hope with daily use for a couple more months they will disappear completely.
It cleared an ugly acne scar on my nose within day(no exaggeration).
Best price i could find outside of making it myself.
So in store this is expensive and i love this for cleaning my face used it for years
I spend a lot of money on luxury skin care.
Like $$$ bottles of "fancy elephant serum" to fix my texture and adult hormonal acne.
Always will choose natural holistic and organic before any prestige brand hype.
Also i have found that leave on sa products like this work better than sa washes that you just rinse right off.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
sensitive, great, dry, good and acid. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,421 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 20 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had to stop using it though because i’m reacting to one of the ingredients
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It cleared an ugly acne scar on my nose within dayno exaggeration
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Sometimes i will use an otc spot treatment but thats it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Words can’t describe how great this stuff is
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I use it 2 times a day usually it is soothing but clarifying for my extra oily skin
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was looking for an item with salicylic acid for my eyebrows as they shed skin and look scaly even the skin in between
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Most products with this same percentage of salicylic acid were a ripoff and more in a thick paste form and maybe an ounce
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This bottle will last forever
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