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Pros & Cons
Twyla tharp is both a dancer and a choreographer.
Her features are sharp, her hair is no-nonsense white, her glasses are oversized and round. After a half hour of literary tennis, i suspect we were both pleasantly surprised.
Unfortunately the book is mostly anecdotes strung together into chapter form, triple spaced in large font format. Perhaps charming, but not a substantial read.
So, with the terrace door open and the hot air blowing through, i swooned.
This book is awesome, it might not be formatted how people are expecting, but that's really the point of the book(i love how th... Read More
In 1986, i collaborated with roger enrico, then the ceo of pepsi cola.
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good, creative and collaborative. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 78 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 1 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Results are much more favorable when the parties can communicate openly with no hidden agendas
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Going it alone just wont fly these days
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Shed written enough for several volumes and would in time surely have been able to carve a book out of it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In 1986 i collaborated with roger enrico then the ceo of pepsi cola
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He worked as hard as i did all the while running a giant company all these years later we still get royalties
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was hired to write his memoir just six weeks before an inflexible deadline grammer gave me little time or guidance and i succeeded only in turning a total disaster into a mere failure
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She grilled me about balzac tolstoy and proust i parried to the best of my ability painfully aware shed practically memorized every word theyd written
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Dazzled by her equanimity i would
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