Pros & Cons
A+ - the hardback copies by gollancz, very high quality. The paper is a nice feel, the print is very good, the covers are a soft cotton.
The color of magic is a huge tabletop game of chance played by the story's gods. It reminds me a bit of hitchikers guide to the galaxy meets fantasy. Although the theme is fantasy the discworld is a mirror of our world. The idea that dragons, actual d... Read More
The first book in terry pratchett's discworld series introduces us to the remarkably inept wizard rincewind. The story follows a tourist named twoflower as he sight-sees with a flunked out wizard as his guide. Finally, the luggage is.
The author's voice is unmatched for the glory it takes in the language, and the human foibles identified in the humorous prose.
Pratchett in this first discworld book feels discombobulated and forced. I swear the author has add/adhd and didn't take his meds while writing this book. This is the worst quality audio i’ve ever purchased!
It drags on more than i am willing to, to write on this review. This junk continues. Don't keep feeding amazon.
Terry pratchett breezily and entertainingly introduces and familiarizes us with discworld, the setting for the bulk of his work.
I found out after starting this book people say you shouldn't start discworld with the first book, but i really enjoyed it!
Then the third and fourth books were definitely low quality.
Not *bad*, and i know the audio quality of the old versions can be a bit off, but i still find myself wishing they had just spe... Read More
Terry pratchett creates an actual new world.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not bad and i know the audio quality of the old versions can be a bit off but i still find myself wishing they had just spent the money on a digital remastering
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If douglas adams wrote fantasy
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Going into the novel the first of fortyone i did not know what to expect
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However iearned this book was what blazing saddles was to classic wild west movies
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The newfound traveler is usually wary and cautious but not in the case of twoflower
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Chaos incarnate but neutral to evil
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One that is fortyone books long
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Less excited that my “new” book arrived clearly not new