Pros & Cons
The creative habit is about two the first is that artists live disciplined creative lives and the second is that all successful people lead disciplined creative life. It's about hard work and commitment, the habit of showing up to do the work and deve... Read More
Twyla tharp's new book, the creative habit, is out now. Tharp characterizes this book as a practical guide but she also frames much of its material within a spiritual context.
At least 10,000 hours of must be invested in deliberate, iterative practice under strict and expert supervision to achieve peak performance. I like the idea that there is some inherent talent in all of us, and we must discover what it is.
Dancers wrestle daily with the obstinacies of the flesh. Myth busting. The basic premise of the book is that the process of creating means freeing one's mind by rituals.
Disappointed in this book. This is all about the author, talking about herself and what she does.
Dancers wrestle daily with the obstinacies of the flesh.
I think everyone who's trying to begin or carry on with the creativelife (and of course tharp's right, she's not sucking up whe... Read More
Tharp insists that those transcendant geniuses were the product of showing up every day and working at whatever their craft was.
Wrestling demons is just part of the process; it comes with the territory.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had no idea who the author was
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Instead her core message is that creativity can be must be supported by a disciplined approach and a disciplined lifestyle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
At first im reading and reading the beginningthinking okay okay
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Creativity has to be a habit yeah yeahyeah
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Mistakes are great and necessary yeah yeah yeah
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A guy once escaped fromalcatraz and punked out on a bunch of rocks even though there was sandyshore right around the corner
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Phils books where you read three pages and figure it all out get toolazy to change and simply watch him on tv then incorrectly fling hisphrases around at fights
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Sheinvites you to scribble and circle passages