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Pros & Cons
From the outset, townshend draws his readers in as crafts a vivid and immersive universe. This story leads readers through a world brimming with spellbinding enchantments. The rules regarding magic and how it works is/are a fun quandary to be explored... Read More
Charles townsend's meticulously crafted characters add depth to the story. The guild's true motives remain a mystery, and the political dynamics between leaders were fascinating.
Delvin is a young man training to be a magician when his mentor, borlock, is murdered. Delvin discovers the power of the magician’s stone and learns to harness that power for good. Luckily his friend, greg is the one who tied the noose for him to be h... Read More
The magician's secret by charles townsend is a fantasy story about delvin, a young farmhand and practical joker falsely accused of *. The novel follows the adventures of delvin as he grows from small town farmhand to magician. Delvin inherits the belo... Read More
The story focuses on the illusionist aspect of what most people consider magic. The magician’s secret is a story of magic, trickery, and adventure. It is written by a travelling magician known as charles townsend.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation and word usage are basically a disaster. Threads in the story are incomplete. A disappointing read for me.

The plot was well detailed, and the characters were well developed.
I found this refreshing and added to the quality of the book.
Delvin shows courage and expects nothing in return.
The characters were strong and not overly complex.
Just in time, the real murderer was found but delvin’s life had changed forever.
Accused of murdering borlock locked in a cellar and destined to die in a hangman’s noose.
My only drawback is that it might be a little bit short in length, compared to comparable works.
I hope that future books show how using the stone becomes more addictive and how delvin handles it.
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magic, secret, good and next. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is high and informative.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 395 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 27 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The characters were intriguing but there was a lot of passages about travelling around and i wish there would have been more magic and less details of the characters’ journeys
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For anyone over the age of 11
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This book is part of a series and leaves me excited to read the next but it would satisfy readers as a standalone story
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The rules regarding magic and how it works isare a fun quandary to be explored by scifi authors
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The conclusion left me ready for more
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There were a couple grammatical issues but nothing major
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Delvin then decides to leave his small village for the big city of hengel
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But they are pursued by members of the magicians guild who will stop at nothing to keep the secret source of their powers hidden
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