Pros & Cons
Jon ronson is an investigative journalist. He investigates the'madness industry' and the 'pcl-r' test for psychopathy.
Most books lengthen your attention span, this one is like scrolling on a twitter feed. Like a religious cult, once you've been indoctrinated in some theory, you never question and blindly accept it. Almost any relevant content to psychopathy can be fo... Read More
Inspired me to get out of the boring comfort zone i feel most people live in 😂
"the pursuit of a definition of psychopathy leads ronson to the pcl-r checklist - the titular “psychopath test”, devised, used ... Read More
Great writing style, and there were tons of elements that made me smile - or grin sometimes.
Had to stop every few pages to absorb and highlight!
I would not take anything at face value included in this book about psychopath, but it is an entertaining read.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There were some annoying parts showing the writer’s lack of knowledge about easily available information the vaccines cause autism 911 was an inside job and he labelled david icke nothing else but a conspiracy theorist without knowing anything about his work
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I would not take anything at face value included in this book about psychopath but it is an entertaining read
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It starts when he almost gets sued for defamation after getting quoted in the press ignorantly referring to someone as “quite psychopathic
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For example when discussing one psychologist’s experienceshe was interviewing a psychopath
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She showed him a picture of a frightened face and asked him to identify the emotion
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He said he didn’t know what the emotion was but it was the face people pulled just before he killed them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It’s worth bearing in mind throughout the book that this is investigative journalism and not science and ronson doesn’t pretend anything else
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This kind of material could easily have descended into something resembling a freak show but ronson has doesn’t do that the subject and the people involved are all portrayed with respect and sensitivity