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Pros & Cons
Terry pratchett teams up with two scientists - a biologist and mathematician to produce a mixture of hard fact, and hilarious fiction, in another discworld novel. Even if you've never heard of terry pratchet or discworld, this book is a delight.
The science of discworld is a magnificent attempt at explaining what science does in this world. With science we explore the natural world without resorting to supernatural explanations. The odd numbered chapters are the actual story.
Half of this book is a lighthearted romp with rincewind and the other wizards at uu as they explore the unmagical world they've created. The other half is a rigorous look at the physics that govern our universe. This is the first of a two-part series ... Read More
To carry it off with the panache achieved by the three authors, is a supreme achievement. The hard science appears to be both solid and witty, and a sly way to sneak some real knowledge into the portion of my family that appears to have gotten only th... Read More
While we might dispute whether we've progressed argue the authors, there's no question that once the process started, humans changed rapidly resulting in what we see around us today. Does the extremely difficult job of telling the reader what we think... Read More
Discworld by terry pratchett is a very predictable, uninteresting story. It is interrupted by long, arduous lectures about different topics.
And they do it clearly and robustly and with no patience for creationist, "intelligent design" nonsense.
To carry it off with the panache achieved by the three authors, is a supreme achievement.
The point is that most of the atoms from which you are made must have come into being inside a star.
If you do skim his books you miss the details, puns and non sequiturs that littler virtually every paragraph.
They experiment with creating matter and stars and whatnot, and eventually end up with roundworld, which bears considerable res... Read More
They seek to introduce the youngish reader to principles of the sciences and similar by comparing them with pratchetts diskworld.
I think i was expecting, oh, i don't know, maybe how roundworld laws of physics compare to their discworld equivalents, if that... Read More
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first, great, good and scientific. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is high and informative.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,186 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 20 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It cant even be mediocre
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It has to be brilliant by definition
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But the scientists just drone on and on in far more detail than needed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And i cant always tell how what theyre describing relates to the story
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its not that im not a big science fan i am and i read a lot of science books
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Maybe i was expecting something a bit different
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I think i was expecting oh i dont know maybe how roundworld laws of physics compare to their discworld equivalents if that makes any sense
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Some updating may have taken place since then
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