The book goes back and forth in time very smoothly.
That and characterization are difficult but so well-done here.
Along with the obvious sci-fi theme, (which is not hard-core sci-fi) it includes, romance, mystery/suspense, politics, and psyc... Read More
Packed with cool ideas, wry observations about humanity, and a fantastic huge cast of very colorful characters.
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- This product had a total of 12 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 2 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The central action an april fool’s joke that goes a bit astray had me feeling as guilty as the protagonist
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Sucked me in immediately and held me all the way to the end
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Basically anyone who enjoys any type of fiction
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Herb is the narrator retelling his story as young man wanting to fit in and in the present as an older man living with the aftermath of his decisions