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You get to see him struggle with the choices he makes when dealing with a student.
I think we all struggle with the person we became compared to the person we see ourselves as.
Arrived earlier than predicted price was right no issues
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- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 10,807 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 1 2020.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Was also a very long book but i understand that need for the length though as i said there are some of the dead spots that could have been shortened or omitted all together
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Every chapter push you more and more to read it and everything is awesome the suspense the words the way is written etc
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The shining is one of kings greatest novels ever written and i like how it takes a completely different outlook from the movie when it was released in 1980
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As near as a movie as a book can feel
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I found it very different to the movie
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The stanley kubrick film is great but the character of jack torrence barely exists and dick halloran is really a useless character in the film
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unfortunately all the trademark moments from the movie are not actually in the book but it is still worth reading
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I always loved sk but i avoided this book because i had seen the movie so many times
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