Asimov, does present the book title with the comma, so don't ask me!
Incidentally, this book, also with the currents of space and pebble in the sky, is sort of an accidental trilogy.
The book itself was a fast paced sci-fi adventure, with asimov's trademark attention to detail and typical plot mechanics.
Even today a great read for novice or experienced sci if enthusiast all over the world.
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great, written, first, galactic and later. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
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- This product had a total of 598 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 22 2021.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I read this book when i was 10 years old and not quite sure what science fiction was
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also it overflows with a boyish optimism missing from most of what came later in the genre sadly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The galactic empire series both entertains and illuminates todays reader to scifi as it was written in the 50s
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There are a few elements to the plot that are quite dissatisfying though and a few of the developments were predictable from the beginning so id probably rank this as one of his weaker books although he manages to come through with a total zinger of an ending in fact i suspect that he may have deliberately wrote the book around this idea
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Great stuff none of the big brother nonsense of the second foundation and the later robot series books
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Having been written in 1951 it reflects the societal fear at the time regarding a possibly upcoming world war iii and destruction of the planet by nuclear weapons
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Events at the end of the book wrap back to earth – at least tangentially – an in to me a surprising way